My sister called last night. It was good to chat with her...especially since we haven't had the opportunity for a number of months. I was telling her about how we're gearing up to transition to workboxes, which progressed into a conversation about what to do with a 2yo.
So this morning, while my children were sleeping in (amazingly), I started Googling "workboxes for preschoolers."
One of the links I opened was Confessions of a Homeschooler. Who just happens to be having a giveaway of a $40 coupon for CSN (does not cover shipping).
I'm eyeballing all kinds of things that would earn me the title of "Auntie of the Year!" CSN carries Guidecraft, Plan Toys...seriously, check out their developmental and educational toys!! I'm going to have to pass the site on to Grandma so we can get my sister well-stocked despite their starving-college-student budget. Of course, my kids would love to acquire some goods as well. *wink*
Monday is starting out pretty decent I'd slept in, found a great blog, entered in a giveaway that holds value for my family, and actually started blogging for our homeschool again. One of these days I'll get around to moving the rest of the blog over here....but in the meantime, check out the awesomeness at Confessions of a Homeschooler. Good stuff there...I'll easily waste hours upon hours this week catching up on posts prior to my discovering it! *grin*
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